Thursday, September 3, 2009

places i've been & day 4.

Ciao =)

So today is day 4 in rome and this morning at 10am was our 4 hour walking tour of the area around Temple Rome's campus. It was informative, and I liked having a tour guide because he was able to give us information about things that we saw as opposed to just reading or just taking pictures of something that just looks cool... within these past four days I have visited:

Brussels, Belgium: The Grand Plaza

Roma, Italia: Piazza del Popolo, The Spanish Steps, Area Sacra di Largo Argentina, The Pantheon, Saint Peter's Square & The Vatican (not inside yet), The Colosseum, Piazza Venezia, and I live in the area of Prati (about 10 minutes from the Vatican using the Metro)

These places are so beautiful.. amazingly breathtaking. I'm so sorry I have't posted pictures. I'm a little behind on blogging and posting pictures since I've been so busy out and about, contacting family via skype when I have a chance, and sleeping! I will post photos very soon.. so check back often.

Tonight at 6pm we have a cooking demo which includes a free cookbook, and wine tasting. I'll let you know how it goes!! Oh yeah... I forgot my sunglasses so I haggled a pair of imitation sunglasses from 10€ to 7€ lol... not too bad.


living conditions.

ciao amici!
(hello friends!)

I'm really sorry I haven't updated my blog but this whole jet lag thing really is hard to get over. So for those other than family who don't know my living conditions, I'll explain what I came to when I arrived. My room was blazing hot.. felt like an oven in there, was extremely tiny, (no air conditioning) and I absolutely hate my bedroom! The only good thing about it is that I got there before my other roomates and was able to get the single bed rather than the bunk beds... You can barely walk in the room.. there's very limited storage/closet space, and the mattresses must be like 20 years old.. you can pretty much feel the springs on your back. The balcony is super small, and is caged in.. I feel like I'm in jail.

I walked into my friend Taahir & Josh's room... they had air conditioners, 2 bedrooms with very nice sized rooms, a balcony that wraps around the corner of the building and fairly better furniture. I almost had a heart attack! It was ridiculous. But anyway... apparently the air conditioning is only an option in that room and so they shut it off on them but the living space is just so much bigger! Well.. Since my roomates came in, we've been trying to get our room changed since just about everyone we've met has a much larger apartment. It's been a few days and we were able to see the apartment right above us which has a slightly larger bedroom (anything is better than what we have) and a bigger balcony that's not caged in. Definately a bit better, and I think we're going to take it.

Hopefully things are better upstairs.
Ciao for now..

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Departure. Aug 29th

Saturday, August 29th, I zippered my suitcases & headed for JFK airport. It was a very emotional time for me and my family as we hugged and kissed goodbye... I went through security & waved goodbye and that was the beginning of a journey that I'll remember for years and years to come. The plane was delayed for quite a while, a little bit of unexpected air traffic held us back, but we were on our way and the flight wasn't too bad. Jet Airways India took great care of us, pillows and blankets, TV's for each guest.. newly released movies, CD's, and tons of games to keep you busy, all made the flight entertaining and bearable. It was really only about a 6 hour flight, but because of the 6 hour time difference, we flew into the future! lol. So we landed in Belgium at about 7:40am and made our first dollars to euros conversion.... Oh boy.. this trip is going to be an expensive one.

Mom & Dad always tried to teach me the value of a dollar when I was growing up... well throw everything you ever learned in the trash because in Europe.. a dollar is worth so much less! Unfortunately, with fees attached, I ended up with a little more than half of what I gave in US dollars. uGh! So anyway... as we continued through the neat airport of Brussels, we made our way to the train. The Grand Plaza in Brussels, Belgium was beautiful! Took some great pictures which I'll post tomorrow =) After doing some tourism, Me, Josh, and Taahir all headed back to the airport to catch our 2 hour flight to ROMA, ITALIA!!

Once we arrived in Italy, our driver ;-p picked us up and drove us to our residence. Checking in wasn't a hassel but what I found once I turned my key and unlocked my door.. I walked into an OVEN! No air? How could there be no air??? That's right.. I'm stuck in a box with no air and not even 2 feet of space in between my bed and the bunk beds (sorry girls first come first serve!). I truely did not expect to be living in a messwhole of a apartment... The plan is to complain to Temple and get switched to another room before the rest of the Temple gang shows up! That's for tomorrow, wish me luck! Well people I'm extremely beat and spent for the night as I'm posting this blog at 1am Romeeee time.. which means its only 7pm in Philly. gOod nigghhhtt! and check back for pictures of Brussels, Belgium!

Did you know that Belgium is composed of three main languages?
  • French
  • Finnish
  • Geraman
Another cool fact is that English is the number 2 language in the city of Brussels!
French being first =)

Pictures will be posted tomorrow which is Monday August 31st. Keep in touch and check out my pics!

Friday, June 26, 2009

stay updated.

Ciao! This is my new blog which will be used to keep you guys updated on what's going on while I'm in Italy. I will try to write as much as I can, and there will definitely be plenty of pictures to see so be sure to check back often!

I will be leaving for Rome, Italy on August 29, 2009 and will be returning on December 14, 2009. My roster will consist of Photography, Printmaking, Digital Imaging, and last but not least Italian!!! While I'm there, I hope to be able to visit as many cities as possible... I would love to make a stop in Paris, annnd Barcelona, Spain, but we'll see what airfare is like when I get over there.

Anywho... I'm really excited and hope that you all enjoy my blog. Please keep in touch, leave messages and/or comments!

Talk to you soon,
♥ Jocelynn